What the brayings are...

I love to rant and complain. It's like a hobby. I've been doing it on Facebook for several years. I used the name "Braying Jack Cass." That's because Facebook doesn't allow any usernames with the word "Jackass" in it. The nerve!

But then someone reported me for using a fake name, as if someone could have the actual name "Jack Cass." It's possible. Just like I'm sure there are some people named "Ben Dover" and "Mona Lott" and "Frank Furter" out there. Some parents have a sense of humor. And others are too dumb to make the connection.

Since I can't be on Facebook at work (the nerve!) here's a place I can come to rant during the day.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

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Monday, December 15, 2014

This, not That

I went to a non-duality meeting the other day, and instead of talking about non-duality they were talking about pro wrestling.

“Hey!” I said, “this isn’t non-duality, I came here to talk about non-duality!”

“Oh,” one of them replied, “this isn’t non-duality? You want us to talk about that?”

“Yes, not this, that! Talk about that!” I insisted.

“We didn’t realize that this wasn’t that,” another of them asserted.

“Yes, it’s not this, it’s that other thing,” I corrected them, “stop talking about this rather than that.”

But then it dawned on me, if non-duality wasn’t 'this', but was rather 'that', then it wasn’t non-duality at all, instead it was duality.

“Hmmmm,” I wondered, “is it even possible to talk about non-duality? As soon as you open your lips to talk about ‘this’ as opposed to ‘that’ you’ve created duality.”

So now I attend a different non-duality meeting each week. Last week the non-duality meeting was about knitting, this week it’s about coin collecting.

I no longer bother with those silly non-duality non-duality meetings because it’s obvious that they’re talking about ‘that’ and not ‘this!’

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Who's On First?

Jerry Katz and Rick Archer, the non-dual comedy duo, were organizing an upcoming advaita forum. They were discussing the lineup of speakers, and the following discussion ensued:

JERRY: Who’s on first?

RICK: Nobody.

JERRY: No one’s on first?

RICK: No, nobody’s on first. No one’s on second.

JERRY: Wait, you said that nobody’s on first.

RICK: Right.

JERRY: Well, if nobody’s on first then no one will be giving a presention at the beginning?

RICK: No, no one will be giving the second presentation.

JERRY: Nobody is giving the second presentation either?

RICK: No, nobody is giving the first presentation. No one is giving the second presentation.

JERRY: If nobody is giving the first presentation, and no one is giving the second presentation either, then who is the third speaker?

RICK: Who cares.

JERRY: I do! That’s why I’m asking.

RICK: No, who cares is the third speaker.

JERRY: I do! If nobody is giving the first talk, and no one is on second, then somebody better be giving the third presentation!

RICK: No, somebody is at home.

JERRY: Who’s at home?

RICK: No, somebody’s at home. Who’s running the video camera.

JERRY: I don’t know.

RICK: He’s collecting the donations at the door.

JERRY: Who is?

RICK: I don’t know.

JERRY: You don’t know who’s collecting the donations at the door?

RICK: Yes, I do. I don’t know.

JERRY: You don't know or you do know?

RICK: I do know, I don't know.

JERRY: Ok, let me get this straight. Nobody is giving the first presentation.

RICK: Right.

JERRY: And no one is giving the second presentation.

RICK: Exactly.

JERRY: And you don't care who's giving the third presentation.

RICK: No, I do care. The third presentation is who cares.

JERRY: You just said that you did!

RICK: I do. Who cares.

JERRY: Allright, forget that. At least let's figure out who's collecting the donations at the door.

RICK: I already told you, I don't know.

JERRY: Well, let's get somebody on it right away!

RICK: Somebody's at home.

JERRY: Then no one can do it?

RICK: No, no one is giving the second presentation.

JERRY: You're telling me that nobody can collection donations?

RICK: No. Nobody is the first speaker.

JERRY: Who's going to collect donations!!??

RICK: Who's running the video camera.

JERRY: I don't know!

RICK: That's who's collecting donations at the door.

JERRY: Who is?

RICK: I don't know.

JERRY: Oh my God, I quit! I’m going to become a Scientologist. Less craziness!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My new 2-man play: Fred Davis Calls The FBI To Report Stalking And Harassment


FBI: Yes, this is the FBI.

FRED DAVIS: I’d like to report stalking and harassment.

FBI: Ok, how are you being stalked and harassed?

FRED DAVIS: Someone is saying that I’m a convicted sex offender on the internet.

FBI: I see. So you aren’t and they’re lying about you then.


FBI: You are?

FRED DAVIS: Yes, I am.

FBI: A convicted sex offender?

FRED DAVIS: Yes, a convicted sex offender.

FBI: Ok, so they’re telling the truth about you?

FRED DAVIS: Yes, they’re telling the truth about me.

FBI: But you’re being stalked and harassed from people telling the truth about you?

FRED DAVIS: Yes, I’d like them prosecuted please.

FBI: Telling the truth about someone isn’t exactly stalking and harassment.

FRED DAVIS: But they’re saying it all over the Facebook and on reviews for my books on Amazon.com!

FBI: They’re going onto you Facebook page and threatening you?

FRED DAVIS: No, I don’t have a Facebook page. I’m not allowed to have Facebook as a convicted sex offender.

FBI: Oh, right, I should have known that. So they’re threatening you on their own Facebook pages?

FRED DAVIS: Well, not really threatening, more like making fun of me.

FBI: Making fun of you?

FRED DAVIS: Yes, making fun of me. Nasty comments, humorous pictures, that kind of thing.

FBI: Ok, but are they telling people to go to your house and attack you, or anything like that?

FRED DAVIS: No, they’re making fun of me.

FBI: Ok, well, that’s not really against the law. If making fun of people on Facebook were a crime we’d have to build a hell of a lot of more prisons!

FRED DAVIS: But they’re stalking me!

FBI: So how are they stalking you? Are they following you around town? Parking in front of you house?

FRED DAVIS: No, internet stalking. They’re posting negative reviews of me on Amazon.com.

FBI: So they’re going into other people’s book reviews and pointing out that you’re a convicted sex offender?

FRED DAVIS: No, they’re going into my book reviews and pointing out that I’m a convicted sex offender.

FBI: What do you write books about?

FRED DAVIS: Spirituality, Enlightenment, Awakening, that kind of thing.

FBI: And you think they’re stalking you by writing negative reviews of your books on Amazon.com.

FRED DAVIS: Yes, exactly, could you arrest them please?

FBI: I’m sorry, sir, but if we arrested everyone who wrote a negative book review on Amazon.com we’d need even more prison cells than if we arrested everyone who made fun of someone on Facebook. For the people who write negative reviews of Stephen King books alone we need about 100 more prisons.

FRED DAVIS: But it’s not fair! They’re not supposed to use the information on the sex offender registry to harass and stalk me!

FBI: They’re posting your address and phone numbers and encouraging people to harass you?

FRED DAVIS: Well, no, not exactly…

FBI: They’re showing up at your house and physically confronting you?

FRED DAVIS: Well, no, not exactly…

FBI: Ok, sir, how about if you call the Facebook police or the Amazon.com secret service, they may be able to help you. Good day.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Marketing the Intangible: The Story of Enlightenment and Marshmallows

What exactly is Enlightenment? (or “Awakening” which is a more popular term lately). Is it something objective, tangible, and measurable? Or is it a subjective state that can only be known through one’s direct experience?

Many people claim that they are seeking Enlightenment, and others have claimed that they’ve achieved it. Those who claimed to have achieved it often market their services, for a pretty penny, to share insights and/or techniques which can then spur Enlightenment in others. But if someone claims to be Enlightened (or Awakened) and to be able to provoke this in others, how do we know if these claims are true?

There is no universally agreed to definition of Enlightenment. Some may say that it’s a significant spiritual achievement only attained by the likes of the Buddha and unattainable for other mere mortals, at least in one lifetime. Others may define Enlightenment as something less lofty, e.g. an insight into one’s true nature or seeing through the lies of the mind.

Neither definition though is something that can be measured tangibly. How do we know exactly what the Buddha’s physical or spiritual state was? We can judge the wisdom of his words, and also praise the virtues of his actions, but have no way of knowing what lies beyond our own direct experiences of his words and actions. If a person claims to have had an insight into their true nature, or having seen through the lies of the mind, can this be measured for veracity? They could just be repeating words that they have heard others say, and even if some sort of insight was achieved is there a way to weigh or measure them?

About the only tangible measure we have of something which could be called Enlightenment is the recording of brain waves. In the following article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20989-monkeys-meditate-for-marshmallows.html experiments were done with monkeys in which neurofeedback was used to train monkeys to reach what’s described as a “Zen-like meditative” state for the reward of a marshmallow. The monkeys were able to reach a very calm and peaceful state where the brain activity was diminished which was measured as being in a certain frequency range.

Of course this brings the idea of Enlightenment from the sacred to the profane; it’s no longer a spiritual pursuit but a material one. Yet if we are reluctant to relegate the spiritual attainment of Enlightenment to the scientific realm we are condemned to accept on faith someone’s claim of being spiritually advanced. If thoughts can’t be weighed or measured with a ruler, then we certaintly can’t make an objective evalulation of whether or not someone’s thoughts are superior to another’s.

I’m reminded of a video where Ken Wilber straps some electrodes to his head and demonstrates that he can reach a state of stopping or slowing his brain waves which is akin to Enlightenment, i.e. a state of “no mind.” My first reaction to the video was that it was simply a spiritual parlour trick. Of course it’s not clear from the video whether or not Ken was rewarded with a marshmallow.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Satsangs Explained

The people harboring the “I need to attain Enlightenment to escape suffering” delusion seek help from the people harboring the “I’ve Awakened and attained Enlightenment” delusion. The people harboring the “I’ve Awakened and attained Enlightenment” delusion feel the desire to help those harboring the “I need to attain Enlightenment to escape suffering” delusion.

So they gather together and those harboring the “I’ve Awakened and attained Enlightenment” delusion sit in front of the people harboring the “I need to attain Enlightenment to escape suffering” delusion and the person sitting in front, the one harboring the “I’ve Awakened and attained Enlightenment” delusion, talks about how their delusion is superior to the delusion of the people harboring the “I need to attain Enlightenment to escape suffering” delusion.

Then the people sitting in the audience, the ones harboring the “I need to attain Enlightenment to escape suffering” delusion ask questions of those sitting in front, the ones harboring the “I’ve Awakened and attained Enlightenment” delusion, until they all come to an agreement on the most desirable delusion to harbor.

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Advaita (Non-Duality) for Neophytes and the Clueless

Group 1 (“do somethings”)

Premise: What you are is not the body and mind, but rather LOVE, or GOD, or AWARNESS, or THE INFINITE, or WHATEVAS.

Thesis: The mind is full of thoughts which are bogus, fantastical, bullshit, made-up stories, nonsense, delusory, festering, perverted, malignant, twisted, warped, fabricated, and illusory.

Conclusion: Become totally obsessed by the thoughts by staring at them, examining them, challenging them, questioning them, turning them around, finding their shadows, and generally resolving them until all of the nasty thoughts go away and are replaced by happy and fluffy thoughts of puppy dog kisses and unicorns dancing on rainbows. These people are notable for attending satsangs, silent retreats, intensives, and generally “doing something” as a practice. They are mocked by the “do nothings” (see below). People wishing to make some $eriou$ cash in the advaita scene are well advised to get a mailing list of these people.

Group 2 (“do nothings”)

Premise: What you are is not the body and mind, but rather AWARENESS, or CONSCIOUSNESS.

Thesis: The mind is full of thoughts which are bogus, fantastical, bullshit, made-up stories, nonsense, delusory, festering, perverted, malignant, twisted, warped, fabricated, and illusory.

Conclusion: Since you are not the thoughts, no worries, ignore them (or don’t) because you’re not in control anyway and can’t even if you want to (or don’t.) Anytime one of the "do somethings" (see above) points out your shadows and erroneous beliefs just respond " 'who' cares?" These people are known for pontificating and bloviating about the non-necessity of doing anything and mocking the “do somethings” (see above). These people are generally slackers in real life and don’t have much ambition. E.g., they won’t clean their homes unless guests are coming over.

The "do somethings" and "do nothings" are in perpetual war, and even though they treat their born-again Christian or fundamentalist Jewish family members, neighbors, and co-workers with respect and joviality, they treat each other with utter contempt and disgust, hurling such invectives as "woo woo new-ager!" and "neo advaitan!" at each other, as drool and spittle sprays from their mouths.

Getting in between the "do somethings" and "do nothings" as they brawl is about as smart as trying to breakup a pitbull fight; you'll end up bloodied and perhaps missing a few digits on a hand. Avoid at all costs.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

From my non-existent interview with Non-Duality magazine*:

NDM: Can you please tell me about your awakening, how and when this happened?

Braying Jack Cass: It was quite a shock. It happened very suddenly and unexpectedly, like that time I ate at the 1-star Indian restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico. When in Tijuana, stick with Mexican food, I say.

NDM: When you came to this Self realization, that you are "I Am", were you studying the Kaballah, or anything else like Vedanta, atma vichara, or Buddhism and so on?

Braying Jack Cass: I was studying Swahili at the time, actually. It’s been my dream since a child to go to Kenya and live amongst the goat herders. I haven’t gotten much past “Hamjambo” though, so it will probably take me a few more years to realize the fruition of my dreams.

NDM: Then when you finally realized that you are "only awareness". At this point what kind of a vasana load did you have?

Braying Jack Cass: Oh, I had a full load. Quite a load. A pants load.

NDM: Can you please explain the difference between sense of being awareness and finally only awareness?

Braying Jack Cass: I could, but I doubt that you’re intelligent enough to understand it, so what’s the point, really?

NDM: On page 16 of your book entitled, One. Essential Writings on Nonduality, Sri Ramana talks about the importance of vasana-kshya. The destruction of vasanas. Do you believe it is possible to be Self Realized, to be liberated, (moksha) without destroying these vasanas?

Braying Jack Cass: Vasanas are very fragile, like a Chinese vase. And I’m like a donkey in a China shop. So, many vasanas were destroyed in the process.

NDM: What would you say to someone who was saying they were liberated but were still acting out on their vasanas for violence, and saying they are not the doer/perpetrator. That it is God that is the doer/perpetrator of this violence?

Braying Jack Cass: I would say, “Wise up, stop acting like a schmuck.”

NDM: Ok, let me put it another way. Sri Ramana said: ‘For those who are very attached to their filthy bodies, all the study of Vedanta will be as useless as the swinging of the goat’s fleshy beard unless, with the aid of Divine Grace, their studies lead them to subdue their egos.’ Sri Adi Shankaracharya says: The first step to Liberation is the extreme aversion to all perishable things, then follow calmness, self-control, forbearance, and the utter relinquishment of all work enjoined in the Scriptures. Do you see it this way or is anyone fit for this, no matter how they behave or are acting out?

Braying Jack Cass: I really like that “goat’s fleshy beard" analogy. That’s pretty cool. He could have also said, “donkey’s filthy nutsack.” That would have been cool too.

NDM: Ok, as far as divine grace but how about being fit to practice atma vichara? Sri Adi Shankaracharya says: 69. The first step to Liberation is the extreme aversion to all perishable things, then follow calmness, self-control, forbearance, and the utter relinquishment of all work enjoined in the Scriptures. Sri Ramana Maharshi also says: ‘Only to such a mind which has gained the inner strength of one-pointedness, Self-enquiry will be successful. But a weak mind will be like wet wood put into the fire of jnana-vichara ‘If the aspirants have not one-pointed mind, which is possible for him who has pure mind full of sattva, dispassion, discrimination, etc., Self-enquiry is impossible.’

Braying Jack Cass: Stop the name dropping, please. What do YOU say?

NDM: What are your thoughts on neo advaita saying that there is No morality. No right or wrong. No meaning? Please See the interview with Suzanne Foxton.

Braying Jack Cass: I think that Suzanne Foxton is kind of cute. Is that immoral to say? I wish there were more cute, female non-dual gurus. Enough of these sweaty guys, with their scratchy beards, reeking of patchouli.

NDM: Yes, but Avadhuta Gita is also reading material meant for the use of advanced students.

Braying Jack Cass: True. One should only read the Avadhuta Gita after having read “I Am That” for the hundredth time. If the spine is still intact, you haven’t read it enough. One of the most spiritually-advanced people I’ve ever met had it held together by duct tape. Now that’s dedication!

NDM: The Ashtavakra Gita is also from the absolute level.

Braying Jack Cass: Yes, it absolutely is. Luckily, I only live half in the absolute. My left half. That’s why I lurch when I walk.

NDM: Yes on this absolute level there is no right or wrong. But what about on the relative level.

Braying Jack Cass: My relatives are absolutely wrong, at all times. A bunch of meat-eating Republicans. They think I’m some kind of freak. That’s actually the only thing they’re right about.

NDM: Dattatreya is considered by some to be the predecessor of the Aghori tradition. The tantric left hand path. Are you saying that neo- advaita is a new western left hand path of the Aghori? That Tony Parsons and Suzanne Foxton, Jeff Foster are some kind of neo advaitic tantric Aghori? Breaking all taboos and violating traditions?

Braying Jack Cass: Taboos, schmaboos. Ok, seriously, enough of this gibberish. I’m going to go for a walk in the woods…

*all of the Non-Duality Magazine questioins are real, I just substituted in my own answers

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Instructions for Meditation

I'm not all about sarcasm, irony, and bashing, I also offer practical advice.

This is the first in a series of spiritual guidance.

Instructions for Meditation

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Don’t wear any underwear that rides up your ass, otherwise you’ll be focused on thinking of your butt crack.

Try to eliminate any distractions. If you have pets, lock them in the bedroom. If you have children, you could also lock them in the bedroom unless you don’t want them making noise with the pets, in which case you could lock them in the basement. If necessary, wear earplugs to muffle their screams.

Find a comfortable place to sit. It’s best to sit in the lotus position. If you are a typical, uptight, obese American this may be difficult. If you cannot sit in the lotus position, sit in a kneeling position with your feet under your buttocks. If you are over 5’2” in height and this hurts your knees, then just sit “Indian style.” If you cannot sit “Indian style” then just sit in a chair for Christ’s sake.

Relax your concentration and allow your eyes to close halfway. Do not do this while driving, though. While driving your concentration should be on your cell phone and checking your hair in the rearview mirror.

Focus your mind on your breathing. Hear the nose hairs rustling. Hear the whistling noise that your nose hairs make. If the whistling noise is too much, and neighborhood dogs are scratching at your front door, trim your nose hair and start again from the beginning.

Concentrate on your breath. If your mind drifts to thoughts such as what to have for dinner, what an asshole your boss is, or what your next-door neighbor looks like naked, bring your attention back to your breath. There will be time to think about your next- door neighbor naked later, perhaps right before bed.

As you concentrate on your breath, keep your body perfectly still. Except for the breathing part. You should move your lungs for that part. Otherwise keep perfectly still. If you begin to drift and fall asleep, keep a baseball bat at your side to smack yourself awake, “Zen style.” If you are married, you could ask your spouse to hit you with the bat instead, which, interestingly, they are often glad to do.

After meditating for about 30 minutes, slowly uncross your legs. Savor the feeling of a million needles pricking you as the blood flows back into your veins. Unlock the pets and the children, not necessarily in that order, and go back to your hectic, breakdown-inducing life.

Try to meditate as often as possible, whenever the possibility arises. Such as slow times at work. Turning your back to your cubicle door and holding onto a binder gives the appearance of being deep in thought over work issues. Just be aware of the possibility of snoring. And your asshole boss catching you.

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What Price A Lie?

In the beginning of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu famously said “The Tao that can be spoke of is not the true Tao.” A Zen saying states that “"If you open your mouth, you are wrong. If you give rise to a single thought, you are in error." More recently Nisargadatta Maharaj said “The moment you start talking you create a verbal universe, a universe of words, ideas, concepts and abstractions, interwoven and interdependent, most wonderfully generating, supporting and explaining each other and yet all without essence or substance, mere creations of the mind. Words create words, reality is silent.”

They all agree that the truth cannot be spoken and whatever is spoken becomes a concept, i.e. a lie.

The question then becomes, what price a lie?

Unfortunately, the papyrus scrolls that listed what Lao Tzu and the Buddha charged for weeklong retreats in Costa Rica and Skype sessions haven’t survived into modernity. We do have information on Nisargadatta though, and Timothy Conway, in the book Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Mahârâj, 1897-1981)—Life & Teachings of Bombay's Fiery Sage of Liberating Wisdom stated that ”Maharaj did not have to do this work, but spontaneously and most generously he did: letting folks invade his private space, which he had turned into a low-key, semi-public center for nondual awakening, therein to tirelessly teach, guide and awaken us with endless graciousness, never charging a single paisa (cent) for all his generous bounty. And he asked for no service or gifts from devotees.”

Those who support spiritual teachings will argue that while the words may not be the truth they are still “fingers pointing to the moon” which can guide seekers to the truth. They argue that teachings are expedient means which can bring the seeker to a satori, Awakening, or the big prize, full Enlightenment. The rationale is that listening to lies long enough will bring a person to the truth.

It appears that spiritual teachers of old were reticent to charge for their teachings. As we can see below, though, modern teachers aren’t reticent to even charge for their reticence; silent retreats also have a premium price.

Here is a list of some modern teachers and their rates for their lies:

Jeff Foster: A 5-day immersive retreat in Colorado in April of 2015 will cost you $495, not including room and board.

Bentinho Massaro: an upcoming 8-day retreat in Hawaii runs from $2,000-$3,000 depending on the level of lodging that you choose.

Mooji : A silent weeklong retreat in Portugal which includes the satsang fee and lodging is from a high of $1,196 to a low of $735 (camping with your own tent.)

Scott Kiloby: A weeklong retreat held in Jan-Feb 2014 was $1,395 not including room and board

Fred Davis: Skype sessions about $150 hour (per Fred’s note: If this feels like too much money, please don’t book a session.There are plenty of people online who will talk with you for less money. I charge per hour what my accountant charges me, which seems fair.) [Fred seems to be under the assumption that a self-proclaimed Awakened being with no training, education, or certification deserves to be paid the same as a professional accountant.]

The Tao that can’t be spoken of certainly demands a premium price these days. Those with a modicum of shame would be reluctant to charge hundreds and thousands of dollars to seekers of the truth, considering that all they have to offer is concepts.

Luckily for the modern seeker the modern spiritual guru has no such qualms.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Fredness and I

I spend a lot of time making fun of non-dual spiritual teachers. Too much time many think. Kind of obsessive. Hey, we all need our hobbies. Some people knit costumes for their pets. Others make sculptures out of used dental floss. I make fun of spiritual gurus.

One person that recently showed up on my radar screen is Fred Davis. Fred is not one of the biggies on the non-dual spiritual scene yet. I mean he doesn’t rank up there with Mooji or Adyashanti or Gangaji or Jeff Foster. He doesn’t have swarms of devoted followers calling him “Sri Fred” and making posters and altars for him. He doesn’t give weeklong silent retreats in Costa Rica. He hasn’t even appeared on Oprah.

But he’s especially ripe for satire and parody because he has some really quirky characteristics that he displays in his many youtube videos, such as a goofy laugh at the beginning of each video, a distinctive southern twang which reminds me a bit of Ross Perot, and some tic-like eye rolls that he does throughout the videos. He also refers to himself as “Fredness” and “the unit.”

What particularly caught my attention though is his website “Awakening Clarity Now” which he lists a variety of sessions and services in a menu-like manner. I did a parody video of this where I pretend that I’m ordering Enlightenment take-out. And these sessions and services aren’t cheap. Although the prices seem to change, he was advertising an “Awakening Package” at $750, which included a few Skype sessions and email follow-ups (you can visit his site for particular details, I’m not claiming that I’m giving a 100% representation of his services and fees.)

So on my Facebook page “Braying Jack Cass” I had done several satires and parodies of Fred pointing out the logical absurdity of “selling Enlightenment by the pound” as I like to call it. Unfortunately it seems as though one of my Facebook friends saw these not as critiques but rather as advertisements and decided to purchase the Awakening Package. You can lead a horse to shit, but you can’t stop them from eating.

I just love poking these gurus in the ribs and giving them eye jabs to show just how bad the marketing of Enlightenment has become.

But on November 13th, things turned serious. Another Facebook friend did some digging on Fred. He mentions in his biography that he’s had legal troubles and even spent some time in jail. But he hadn’t given any details other than that he was a “ne’er do well” as a youth. Personally, I didn’t really care what he had done and didn’t think it was very relevant to his current spiritual teaching. There are plenty of stories of people doing wrongs in the past and then overcoming these to go on and help others. For example, Scott Kiloby has been open about past drug abuse and legal problems and yet has seemed to leave these behind to help others. (I have my issues with Scott and his teachings but at least praise him for doing work with drug abusers and addictions.)

A Facebook friend though found, through a basic Google search of his name, granted that finding his middle name helped very much, that Fred Davis is a registered sex offender in the state of South Carolina. The websites which detail his status show that he is a tier III (considered the highest, or worst, level) sex offender, and that his victim was a 12 year old female. They posted a link to this information on a thread, and I shared the link on my Facebook page with the single comment “Not funny at all.”

I love using humor to point out the logical absurdities, inconsistencies, contradictions, and fallacies of spiritual teaching and seeking. I use my own past experience, of about 30 years of seeking, finding, losing, seeking again, finding again, and losing again, as a template. When I make fun of seekers, particularly, I’m really making fun of myself.

So I think that I do funny well, but I don’t do serious well at all. Being a convicted sex offender is not funny, and making fun of sexual offenses, especially involving minors, is also not funny. But does that mean just letting this pass and not sharing the information? More shocking to me than the revelation that Fred Davis is a registered sex offender was that no one else in the spiritual community seemed to know, and that he himself had not shared this in any of his writings or interviews. Hadn’t anyone done a basic Google search on his name to find out more information? I don’t mean a suspicious background check, I just mean trying to learn more about him and his writings and history. When I’m interested in a particular teacher I’ll Google them to learn as much about them as possible, to read their writings, and to find videos of them. Sometimes I’ll go 6 pages deep into a Google search looking for info. Ok, admittedly I have OCD, but if you’re going to pay someone $750 for an Awakening package don’t you want to do some due diligence first?

What Fred has done as far as the sexual offense was between him, his victims (which were family members) and the state of South Carolina. He had pled guilty and been punished. What I was interested in was disseminating the information of his status in relation to his spiritual claims and teachings. Isn’t someone who claims to have had a deep spiritual Awakening, an Awakening which (according to an interview which he had done only days before the revelation) meant seeing the truth and eliminating the lies, being disengenuous and cynical when they hide this from potential customers and clients?

Fred wrote an article confessing to his status as a registered sex offender on his website. But instead of accepting responsibility and showing remorse, his explanation showed himself as a victim. He mentions that South Carolina is the only state to not have a statute of limitations on sexual offenses, something which seemed to take him off guard. This makes it seems as though he only confessed because he thought he was in the clear and safe from prosecution. He also makes it seem as though he pled guilty because he wanted to spare his family from the trauma of a trial, and that they judge gave him a lenient sentence because of what a special guy he is. It seems more likely, to me, that the DA and family agreed on a plea deal so that they didn’t have to recall all of the details of what had happened 35 years prior. This is just speculation on my part since I haven’t seen any of the documents relating to his case.

In his article he also complains about having to be on probation, wearing an ankle bracelet, and being a registered sex offender for life. He doesn’t seem to have sympathy for his victims, who also received a lifetime sentence of trauma. Because of the offensiveness of these claims I started a parody Facebook page called “Free Fred Davis” with the purpose of having Fred removed from the sex offender registry because “his victims got to move on with their lives, why shouldn’t Fred also?” The purpose was to point out the absurdity of his article where he turned the situation around to portray himself as a victim.

I also posted a review on one of his Amazon.com books pointing out the hypocrisy of claiming to be an Awakened spiritual teacher while having hidden the fact that he was a registered sex offender for 10 years. Fred responded by claiming that this review, and others like it, were breaking state and federal laws. He claimed that it was stalking and harassment. Amazon.com did remove the reviews, and when I asked why they responded that the review violated its policies by not being relevant to the product being reviewed and by being spiteful. I actually agree with their response, I should have made the review more contextual to his book and his teachings instead of just pointing out that he was a hypocrite.

There are laws which protect people on the sex offender registry, and their families, from threats and harassment. These laws are intended to stop vigilantes from looking up sex offenders, tracking them down, going to their homes to confront them or do damage to their property, or harass them by repeatedly calling them or emailing and texting them threats. These are good laws and I agree with them. A person who has gone through the criminal justice process and been released has a right to live their lives and try to be a productive citizen. I have never advocated that anyone harass or threaten Fred or his family, and find it extremely unfortunate if anyone has

Fred Davis, though, seems to be interpreting these laws to mean that he can go on publishing and selling books, having a website where he sells his Awakening packages and Clarity sessions, and give interviews promoting all of these, and yet not face the negative repercussions of his crimes. As a public figure selling a product he is subject to criticisms, comments, and reviews of what he is selling. This means both positive and negative comments on Amazon.com, Facebook, and other social media. Being a registered sex offender doesn’t mean that you are now immune from public exposure of this fact. If a person decided to run for political office, for example, all of their public information, such as criminal convictions, is fair game. Keep in mind that Fred’s conviction is not sealed, and the information about it wasn’t obtained illegaly or by using deception. It’s public record, and as such is subject to public dissemination.

Fred made the decision to become a public figure by publishing books, selling services, and giving interviews. If his books and services were about making birdhouses then I could see the point that continually pointing out that he is a registered sex offender is irrelevant and the sole purpose is to harass him and damage his business. Instead, he makes claims of spiritual attainments, realizing the truth, having seen through the lies, and having the ability to Awaken others. He gives one-on-one Skype sessions. I haven’t participated in one of these sessions with him, but based upon my limited experience of attending satsangs and speaking with other spiritual teachers, these can include divulging very personal and emotional information. People seeking Awakening and Enlightenment are often very emotionally vulnerable and ripe for abuse, as can be seen throughout the history of guru-disciple relationships. Don’t these people have the right to know that the person they are relying on has such a past? Is it irresponsible and criminal to point out this publically available information?

Honestly, I’d rather be done with the whole Fred Davis saga. How do you parody and satire a convicted sex offender turned spiritual guru without the parodies and satires themselves becoming offensive? Everything seems mean spirited. It looks as though your desire isn’t to inform and entertain but to destroy. Luckily for me, there are so many other subjects ripe for parody and satire that I’ll have material for years to come.

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

A new Fred Davis book review shows up on Amazon.com...

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